Best Shopify Rewards Apps in 2024 [Must Have]

Best Shopify Rewards Apps in 2024 [Must Have]

Reward Your Way to Retail Royalty with the best Shopify rewards apps.

Shopify rewards apps are powerful tools for e-commerce businesses looking to create and manage compelling customer loyalty programs. By carefully selecting the right app, customizing your loyalty program, and offering attractive incentives, you can build solid relationships with your customers.

A well-designed loyalty program not only boosts customer retention but also drives repeat business, encourages referrals, and fosters customer engagement. It’s a win-win for both your business and your valued customers.

What are Shopify Rewards Apps?

What are Shopify Rewards Apps?

Shopify rewards apps, or loyalty or rewards program apps, are third-party applications you can integrate into your Shopify e-commerce store to establish and manage customer loyalty programs. These apps are designed to encourage customer retention and repeat business by offering discounts and incentives to shoppers.

Key Features of Rewards Apps for Shopify:

Key features and functions of Shopify rewards apps typically include:

  • Point-Based Systems: Rewards apps often utilize point-based systems where customers earn points for making purchases or taking specific actions on your website.
  • Customizable Rewards: You can set up and customize the rewards offered to customers, such as discounts and free products.
  • Tiered Programs: Some apps allow you to create loyalty programs, offering different rewards based on a customer’s loyalty and spending history.
  • Integration with Email Marketing: Many rewards apps integrate with email marketing platforms to send personalized offers and promotions to loyal customers.
  • Member Dashboards: Customers can access personalized dashboards to view their rewards status, points earned, and available rewards.
  • Point Expiry and Redemption: You can set rules for when points expire and how customers can redeem them.
  • Customer Engagement: Encourage customer engagement by offering bonus points for writing reviews, sharing products on social media, or participating in surveys.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Some apps offer mobile-friendly interfaces, allowing customers to track and redeem rewards on their mobile devices.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Gain insights into your loyalty program’s performance with analytics and reporting features, helping you make data-driven decisions.
  • Member Segmentation: Segment your customer base based on their loyalty status and shopping habits, allowing you to target promotions and rewards more effectively.
  • Integration with Other Apps: Some loyalty apps integrate with other e-commerce apps, such as CRM systems, email marketing tools, and customer support platforms.

Purpose of Shopify Rewards Apps

Shopify rewards apps are a valuable tool for retaining and nurturing customer relationships. They create a sense of belonging and appreciation among your customer base, which can increase customer lifetime value, higher retention rates and more word-of-mouth referrals. By utilizing these apps, you can boost customer loyalty and drive sustainable growth for your e-commerce business.

The purpose of Shopify rewards apps is to create and manage customer loyalty programs in your e-commerce store. These apps are designed to achieve several key objectives, benefiting both your business and your customers:

  • Customer Retention: Shopify rewards apps are primarily aimed at retaining existing customers. By offering incentives and rewards, you encourage customers to return to your store for purchases.
  • Repeat Business: Loyalty programs help drive repeat business from your existing customer base. Customers are more likely to become long-term supporters of your brand.
  • Increased Customer Lifetime Value: By fostering loyalty and encouraging customers to make multiple purchases, loyalty programs can significantly increase the lifetime value of each customer, leading to higher overall revenue.
  • Customer Engagement: Rewards apps engage customers in various ways, such as through point earning, referrals, and exclusive access to promotions. Engaged customers are more likely to feel a stronger connection to it.
  • Word-of-Mouth Referrals: Satisfied and loyal customers will likely recommend your store to friends, driving word-of-mouth referrals and organic growth.
  • Data Collection: Loyalty programs provide insights into customer behavior, helping you decide about your marketing and product offerings.
  • Incentivized Actions: Rewards apps encourage desired customer actions, such as writing reviews, sharing products on social media, or participating in surveys, which can help you gather valuable feedback and improve your offerings.
  • Personalization: With customer data from loyalty programs, you can personalize marketing campaigns, emails, and product recommendations, delivering a more tailored shopping experience.
  • Customer Segmentation: Loyalty programs often segment customers into different tiers or categories based on their loyalty and spending history, allowing you to target promotions and rewards more effectively.
  • Competitive Advantage: A loyalty program can set your store apart from competitors and influence customers to choose your store over others.
  • Customer Appreciation: Loyalty programs are a way to show appreciation to your customers for their continued support, which can enhance their overall shopping experience.
  • Brand Loyalty: Customers feel rewarded for their loyalty, and they develop a stronger bond with your brand, leading to increased loyalty.

Shopify rewards apps provide a win-win situation, where customers receive incentives and rewards for their loyalty and benefit from increased customer retention sales.

Steps to Choose Rewards Apps that best suit your Business Requirements

Selecting the right rewards app for your Shopify store is essential for creating an effective customer loyalty program. Here are steps to help you choose a rewards app that best suits your business requirements:

  • Identify Your Goals:
    • Determine your specific goals for implementing a loyalty program. Are you aiming to increase customer retention, boost repeat business, or encourage referrals? Knowing your objectives will help you choose an app that aligns with your goals.
  • Set a Budget:
    • Determine the budget you’re willing to allocate for a rewards app. Consider not only the app’s initial cost but also ongoing subscription fees or charges based on usage.
  • Research and Compare:
  • Customization Options:
    • Evaluate the level of customization each app offers. Look for apps that allow you to tailor your loyalty program to match your brand and customer preferences.
  • Point Systems and Rewards:
    • Consider the flexibility of the point-based system and the rewards you can offer. Look for apps that enable you to create a program that targets your audience.
  • Integration and Compatibility:
    • Ensure the app seamlessly integrates with your Shopify store and any other platforms you use, such as email marketing tools or CRM systems.
  • Referral and Engagement Features:
    • If you plan to encourage referrals and customer engagement, look for apps that offer features for rewarding these actions, such as referrals and social media sharing.
  • Mobile Accessibility:
    • Consider the mobile accessibility of the app. Some customers prefer to engage with loyalty programs on their mobile devices, so mobile-friendly interfaces are essential.
  • Member Dashboards:
    • Evaluate the member dashboard features. Customers should have access to user-friendly dashboards that allow them to track their points, rewards, and engagement.
  • Customer Support:
    • Assess the level of customer support provided by the app developer. Responsive customer support can be crucial when you need assistance or have questions.
  • Analytics and Reporting:
    • Determine if the app offers analytics and reporting features. Access to data on program performance and customer behavior is essential for optimizing your loyalty program.
  • Security and Compliance:
    • Ensure the app adheres to data security and privacy regulations, primarily if it collects and handles customer data.
  • Trial Period or Demo:
    • Take advantage of the trial offered by app developers. Test the app’s functionality and user interface to meet your expectations.

By following these steps, you can choose a rewards app that not only aligns with your business requirements but also helps you build a successful loyalty program that retains and engages your customers. A well-designed and targeted loyalty program can enhance your customer’s shopping experience and drive long-term success for your e-commerce business.

Best Shopify Rewards Apps:

Best Shopify Rewards Apps- Alia: Offer Engagement Rewards

Alia: Offer Engagement Rewards

Best Shopify Rewards Apps- Alia: Offer Engagement Rewards

Alia is an app designed for Shopify that focuses on engaging and converting visitors to your online store through interactive content, including quizzes, surveys, polls, and stories. Here are the features, pricing, and offerings of the Alia app:


  • Interactive Content: Alia allows you to create and add interactive content to your Shopify store. You can use it to educate visitors about your brand, products, mission, and more.
  • Story Formats: You can set up stories in various formats, including quizzes, surveys, games, or visual brand lessons. This flexibility allows you to engage visitors in a way that suits your brand’s style.
  • Rewards and Promos: Alia offers a reward system to incentivize visitors to engage with your content. As visitors complete different stories, they can claim incremental rewards and get subscribed to your email and SMS lists.
  • Lead Generation: Alia helps you collect user emails, phone numbers, and preferences, which can help you grow your customer list and tailor your marketing efforts.
  • Customization: You can customize Alia to match your brand’s aesthetics and message. This allows you to maintain a consistent look and feel throughout your store.
  • Shopify Integration: Alia is explicitly built for Shopify, meeting Shopify’s highest quality standards for speed, ease of use, and merchant value.
  • Works with the Latest Themes: Alia is designed to work seamlessly with the latest Shopify themes, ensuring compatibility with your store’s design.


Alia offers a 14-day free trial to test its features and see how it can benefit your store. After the trial period, they have a single pricing plan:

  • PRO Plan: This plan costs $19 per month. $200 per year (which saves you 12%). With the PRO plan, you get the following features:
    • Unlimited quizzes, polls, and stories
    • Unlimited rewards
    • Unlimited lead forms
    • Easy customizations
    • Powerful analytics
    • VIP support

All charges are billed in USD, and recurring charges are billed every 30 days.


Alia offers a user-friendly and effective way to engage visitors to your Shopify store, educating them about your brand and products while offering rewards for their engagement. It’s a valuable tool for increasing conversions and growing your customer base. The app also provides customization options, analytics, and VIP support for those who choose the PRO plan.

Best Shopify Rewards Apps- BON Loyalty Rewards Referrals

BON Loyalty Rewards Referrals

Best Shopify Rewards Apps- BON Loyalty Rewards Referrals

BON Loyalty Rewards Referrals is a Shopify app developed by Smartify Apps. It is designed to help businesses foster customer loyalty, encourage repeat purchases, and drive sales through various loyalty program features. Here are its features, pricing, and offerings:


  • Loyalty Program Builder: BON allows you to create a robust loyalty program for your customers. It offers a range of solutions to enhance customer satisfaction and drive more spending.
  • Referral Program: You can implement a program that motivates your customers to refer others, increasing sales and customer acquisition.
  • VIP Program: BON includes a VIP program to enhance customer satisfaction and incentivize purchases.
  • Fully Customizable: You can customize various app elements to reflect your brand, including the loyalty widget, page, emails, and content.
  • Multi-Language Support: BON supports showcasing content in over 250 languages, making it suitable for a global audience.
  • Integration: The app integrates seamlessly with Shopify, including Shopify POS, Checkout, Shopify Flow, and other product review apps.
  • Affordable Pricing: BON offers pricing plans that cater to different business needs and sizes, from a free program to more advanced paid techniques.
  • Customer Support: The app provides fast, 24/7 customer support to assist with issues.


BON offers several pricing plans to suit your business needs:

  • Free Forever: This plan is free to use and includes more features than other apps’ free plans. It covers points, rewards, and referral programs and is suitable for smaller businesses.
  • Lite: Priced at $15 per month (or $165 per year, saving 8%), this plan offers more advanced loyalty program features, full integration with POS, advanced branding options, and support for over 250 languages. It supports up to 500 monthly orders.
  • Growth: This plan costs $99 monthly (or $950 per year, saving 20%). It includes all features from the Lite plan and adds VIP Tiers with customer perks to drive purchases. It also unlocks custom CSS, allowing for more advanced customization. There are no order limits with this plan.
  • Professional: Priced at $349 per month (or $3,350 per year, saving 20%), this plan includes all features from the Growth plan. It also offers advanced program and email branding, advanced custom development options (contact the team for details), and support priority.

All orders are billed in USD, and recurring charges are billed every 30 days.


BON is a feature-rich loyalty and rewards app designed to help businesses maintain customer loyalty. Its flexibility, customization options, and multi-language support make it suitable for various companies, especially those looking to expand globally. It has received reviews for its interface, affordability, and responsive customer support. The app also offers a range of pricing plans to cater to different business needs and budgets.

Best Shopify Rewards Apps- Casa Subscriptions App

Casa Subscriptions App

Best Shopify Rewards Apps- Casa Subscriptions App

The Casa Subscriptions App is designed for Shopify and provides businesses with the ability to offer subscription options for their products. Here are its features, pricing, and offerings:


  • Subscription Management: Casa allows you to create one-time or subscription payment options for products customers purchase regularly.
  • Customizable Subscription Frequencies: You can customize the frequency of subscriptions, such as daily, weekly, monthly, and more.
  • Customization: The app can be customized to fulfill specific requests and requirements. It also supports the migration of subscription services from other platforms.
  • Dashboard: Casa provides a separate list to view all information related to subscription orders and payments.
  • Subscriber Tracking: You can track and manage customer subscriptions, making it easy to monitor and engage with your subscriber base.
  • Retry Settings: The app allows you to set the maximum number of retry attempts for payment failures.
  • Subscription Types: You have the flexibility to choose the type of subscription that you want to offer to your customers, providing options to fit your business model.


Casa offers several pricing plans to suit different business needs:

  • NEWBIE (Free): This free plan includes free up to 5 monthly subscriptions, email notifications, a subscriber portal, and analytics.
  • STARTER (Free to Install with 3% Transaction Charges): The Starter plan is free to install, but it charges a 3% transaction fee. It offers unlimited subscriptions, automatic recurring payments, email notifications, a subscriber portal, and analytics.
  • ADVANCE ($9.99/month with 2% Transaction Charges): The Advance plan includes advanced subscription setup, tech support agent, custom widget design, and the ability to place subscriptions on the homepage or any other location.
  • ENTERPRISE ($99/month with 1% Transaction Charges): The Enterprise plan is the most advanced and offers custom solutions, custom feature builds, custom design for buttons, custom design for the portal, and custom notifications to increase customer lifetime value.

All charges are billed in USD, and recurring charges are billed every 30 days.


The Casa Subscriptions App is built to help businesses implement and manage subscription services for their products. It offers various pricing plans and provides customization to meet specific business needs. The app has been appreciated for its comprehensive subscription management features, efficient recurring payments, and excellent customer service. It’s a suitable choice for businesses looking to enhance revenue through subscription services.

Best Shopify Rewards Apps- Gameball: Loyalty & Rewards

Gameball: Loyalty & Rewards

Best Shopify Rewards Apps- Gameball: Loyalty & Rewards

The Gameball: Loyalty & Rewards app is designed to help businesses boost repeat sales and customer engagement through a comprehensive loyalty and referrals program. Here are its features, pricing, and offerings:


  • Boost Repeat Sales: Gameball offers a loyalty program that helps increase repeat purchases and order value by providing customers with rewards, points, and badges.
  • Save on Ads & Return Costs: The gamified rewards program engages customers by offering special perks, tiered discounts, and VIP status. Store credit can be used for returns, helping reduce costs.
  • Attract New Customers: The app includes a “Refer a Friend” feature that enables businesses to attract new customers through referrals. It’s a cost-effective way to expand your customer base.
  • Loyalty Tools: Gameball provides loyalty tools like cashback systems to reward customers for their loyalty.
  • Gamification: Gamify the shopping experience with levels to help retain customers and encourage them to return.
  • Social Proof: Reward customers when they write reviews, increasing social proof and engagement.
  • Customizable Reward Methods: Offer various reward methods, including giveaways, store credit, and discount codes.


Gameball offers several pricing plans to meet your business needs:

  • FREE: This plan is free to install and includes features like loyalty points, signup rewards, order rewards, 1 VIP tier, essential branding, support for one language, and one user.
  • STARTER ($39/month): The Starter plan includes all the features in the free plan and adds a referral program, custom rewards, multiple VIP tiers, personalized rewards, social media rewards, advanced analytics, and integration with one app.
  • PRO ($119/month): The Pro plan includes all the Starter features and offers support for 1,000 active customers for free. It also has seasonal campaigns, custom emails, unlimited popups, branded programs, points expiry, complete analytics, and integration with all apps.

All orders are billed in USD, and charges are billed every 30 days.


Gameball is a loyalty and rewards app designed to increase repeat sales, customer engagement, and acquisition. The app provides a range of pricing plans, including a free option, and offers a customizable loyalty program with gamification elements. It has received reviews for its interface, gamified rewards system, and responsive customer service.

Best Shopify Rewards Apps- Trustoo Product Reviews App

Trustoo Product Reviews App

Best Shopify Rewards Apps- Trustoo Product Reviews App

The Trustoo Product Reviews App is designed to help businesses collect, display, and amplify customer content, specifically product reviews. Here are its features, pricing, and offerings:


  • Collect Product Reviews: allows you to collect product reviews with photos from your customers automatically, enhancing your brand’s credibility and providing valuable information to potential buyers.
  • Beautiful Review Widgets: Display reviews in beautiful widgets with visual editing pages for quick customization.
  • Multi-Lingual Support: The app supports many languages, making it accessible to a global audience. You can auto-translate reviews into various languages to reach a broader customer base.
  • Review Import: can import reviews from AliExpress, allowing you to add them to your store. You can import up to 50 items simultaneously with unlimited product reviews.
  • Review Request Emails: Send automatic review requests to your customers, encouraging them to leave reviews. You can also offer discounts for adding a photo to their thinking.
  • Social Sharing: Share reviews on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to attract organic traffic and showcase your products.


Trustoo Product Reviews App offers several pricing plans:

  • FREE: The free program includes an all-reviews widget, allows you to import 20 reviews per product, and provides 20 reviews per import. It also offers 50 order review request emails per month and 50 order discount coupons.
  • BASIC ($9.99/month): The Basic plan includes all the features of the free program and adds 150 review request emails per month, the ability to reply to reviews, Amazon review importer, auto-updated reviews, and Google Snippets.
  • GROWTH ($19.99/month): The Growth plan offers 600 review requests included in the base price, with an additional $9.9 per other 200 orders. It also provides video reviews, auto multi-language, product grouping, Google Shopping integration, and the option to remove branding.
  • BASIC IMPORT ($5.99/month): This plan is specifically available for dropshipping users and includes Amazon review import.

All charges are billed in USD, and recurring charges are billed every 30 days.


The Trustoo Product Reviews App is a customizable solution for collecting, displaying, and sharing product reviews. Merchants highly rate it for its ease of use, customer support, and extensive customization options. The app offers various pricing plans, including a free tier, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes. The ability to import reviews and use social sharing to attract organic traffic is particularly beneficial for e-commerce stores looking to build trust and credibility with their customers.

Best Shopify Rewards Apps- LL: Loyalty Rewards Referrals

LL: Loyalty Rewards Referrals

Best Shopify Rewards Apps- LL: Loyalty Rewards Referrals

The LL: Loyalty Rewards Referrals app is designed to help businesses boost customer loyalty and increase sales through a comprehensive loyalty and rewards system. Here are its features, pricing, and offerings:


  • Referrals, Rewards & Discount Program: The app allows you to set up a powerful referral, rewards, and discount program. It enables you to motivate repeat purchases, engage customers with diverse rewards and VIP tiers, and incentivize membership users. You can create unique referral (affiliate) campaigns, links, and coupons.
  • Custom Rewards: The app offers the flexibility to create custom rewards that suit your business needs. This includes reward methods such as giveaways, store credit, and discount codes.
  • Import Data: You can import data from apps like,, Growave, Yotpo(Swell), Joy(Joyio), BON, and Loyaltylion to unlock more value.
  • Monthly Orders: The app provides different pricing tiers based on the number of orders your store generates.
  • Integrations: LL: Loyalty Rewards Referrals offers integrations with various apps, including Trustoo, Shopify POS, Shopify Flow, PageFly, AfterShip, Klaviyo, and, GDPR, Automizely, Translate, Instagram, and more.


The app offers a variety of pricing plans:

  • FREE: The free plan is a great starting point and is described as the “best free plan compared to other apps.” It includes 50 monthly orders and provides features like a rewards referrals program and integrations with Trustoo.
  • STARTER ($29/month): This plan includes features for up to 800 monthly orders, Shopify POS, advanced analytics, and branding. It also offers integrations with Judge. Me.
  • GROWTH ($69/month): The Growth plan builds on the Starter plan by offering unlimited monthly orders, VIP points, and rewards expiration. It also includes integrations with Klaviyo.

All charges are billed in USD, and recurring charges are billed every 30 days. There are also early bird offers that provide discounted pricing.


The LL: Loyalty Rewards Referrals app offers a cost-effective solution for businesses looking to boost customer retention rates and increase sales through a robust loyalty and rewards system. Merchants highly rate it for its comprehensive features, customization options, and responsive customer support. The app provides different pricing tiers to cater to businesses of varying sizes and includes a free plan to get you started. It seamlessly integrates with various Shopify apps and offers extensive control over rewards and referrals.

Best Shopify Rewards Apps- Nector: Loyalty & Rewards

Nector: Loyalty & Rewards

Nector: Loyalty & Rewards

The Nector: Loyalty & Rewards app is designed to help businesses enhance customer loyalty and retention by offering a comprehensive loyalty, referral, and reviews program. Here are its features, pricing, and offerings:


  • Adaptable Loyalty Program: Nector provides a fully universal loyalty program tailored to your brand. You can set up various ways for customers to earn points.
  • VIP Tiers and Coin Expiry: The app offers features like VIP tiers and coin expiry to incentivize and reward loyal customers effectively.
  • Integrations: Nector integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, including Klaviyo, Omnisend,, and more.
  • 24/7 Live Chat Support: The app provides top-notch live chat support to assist you with any questions or issues. The quick and responsive support team has received positive feedback from users.
  • Performance Dashboard: Nector offers a dashboard that helps you monitor the performance of your loyalty program and gain valuable insights.


Nector offers a range of pricing plans:

  • FREE FOREVER: The free plan offers significant value, including 300 monthly orders, unlimited members, a referral program, automated transactional emails, and prompts.
  • STARTER ($49/month): The Starter plan includes 1000 monthly orders (2x more than other apps), birthday rewards, product reviews, send events & webhooks, an email editor, and integration with another app.
  • GROWTH ($149/month): The Growth plan offers 4000 monthly orders (4x more than other apps), loyalty pages, image reviews, the ability to revert coins, Shopify POS integration, and integration with three different apps.
  • PREMIUM ($299/month): The Premium plan includes 15000 monthly orders (5x more than other apps), VIP tiers, coin expiry, API access, custom actions, priority support, and unlimited integrations.

All charges are billed in USD, and recurring charges are billed every 30 days. The app offers a 14-day free trial, allowing you to explore its features and functionality before committing to a paid plan.


Nector aims to provide businesses with a loyalty and rewards program that enhances customer lifetime value. The app is appreciated for its rewarding system, user-friendly interface, and positive impact on customer retention and repeat purchases. Nector’s responsive customer support, wide range of integrations, and robust performance monitoring dashboard make it a comprehensive solution for businesses of all sizes.

Best Shopify Rewards Apps- AirReviews Product Reviews app

AirReviews Product Reviews app

AirReviews Product Reviews app

The AirReviews Product Reviews app is designed to help businesses build trust, boost sales, and enhance their online presence with the power of social proof, photo reviews, and SEO optimization. Here’s a summary of its features, pricing, and offerings:


  • Fully Customizable Review Display: The app provides various review display options, including review blocks, widgets, and popups, allowing you to tailor the presentation to match your store’s design.
  • Review Management: You can easily import, edit, preview, approve, or reject reviews using the app’s review management tools. This ensures that you have control over the content displayed on your store.
  • Review and Photo Reminder Emails: AirReviews offers the ability to send review and photo reminder emails to customers. These reminders encourage customers to share their feedback and photos, contributing to a more robust online presence.
  • Supports Review Structured Data for SEO: The app supports structured data for reviews, which can have a positive impact on your store’s SEO. This helps improve your rankings in search engine results.
  • High Responsiveness on Any Device: AirReviews is designed to be highly responsive and provide a seamless user experience on various devices.


The AirReviews Product Reviews app offers a free plan at no cost, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes. The free program is an excellent option for stores looking to get started with collecting and displaying customer reviews. While the app is listed as free, you can explore any additional pricing options directly in the app or on the Air Apps (Avada) website, as there may be premium features or plans available for additional cost.


AirReviews aims to help businesses build customer trust and boost sales by leveraging the power of customer reviews and social proof. The app offers a user-friendly experience, with features for collecting, managing, and displaying customer reviews. Its flexibility in customization ensures that the review display matches the branding of your store. Additionally, it offers structured data support for SEO, helping to enhance your store’s online visibility.

Merchants who have used the app appreciate its easy setup, customization options, and the efficiency of the customer support team. The 24/7 customer support received positive feedback for its responsiveness and assistance provided.

Best Shopify Rewards Apps- Fealty: Loyalty & Cashback

Fealty: Loyalty & Cashback

Loyalty & Cashback

The Fealty: Loyalty & Cashback app is designed to help Shopify merchants boost their sales and customer loyalty by offering cashback and rewards programs. Here’s a summary of its features, pricing, and offerings:


  • Loyalty Levels/VIP Tiers: With Fealty, you can create different loyalty levels or VIP tiers based on spending requirements and associated rewards. This allows you to tailor your loyalty program to various customer segments and incentivize higher spending.
  • Reward Types: The app provides flexibility in the rewards you can offer. You can give cashback or discounts to your customers, allowing you to decide what works best for your business.
  • Time-Based Loyalty Tiers: Fealty offers time-based loyalty tiers, meaning customers’ loyalty status can be adjusted based on their spending over different timeframes. This dynamic approach keeps customers engaged and motivated to make purchases.
  • Automate Loyalty Rewards: The app allows you to automate the application of loyalty rewards at the checkout. This provides a seamless and efficient experience for your customers, encouraging them to redeem their rewards.
  • Dashboard & Reports: Fealty offers a dashboard and reporting tools that help you monitor and maximize the return on investment (ROI) of your loyalty programs. It provides insights into the performance of your program.


Fealty offers a 14-day free trial, allowing you to explore its features and see how it can benefit your business. There is also a free plan that offers essential elements and accommodates up to 50 orders per month. If you require more charges or additional features, Fealty offers paid programs with the following pricing options:

  • Starter: $19/month or $190/year (17% savings), suitable for up to 300 monthly
  • Pro: $39/month or $390/year (17% savings), designed for up to 750 monthly
  • Growth: $99/month or $990/year (17% savings), supporting up to 3,000 monthly

All the charges are billed in USD, and recurring charges are billed every 30 days. Each paid plan includes 1:1 onboarding, email announcements and notifications, priority support, and access to beta features.


Fealty is a loyalty and cashback app that converts one-time buyers into loyal customers. By offering rewards, cashback, and discounts, Fealty helps build customer loyalty and encourages repeat purchases. Its flexibility in creating loyalty tiers, reward types, and automated features simplifies the process of running a successful loyalty program. The app is user-friendly, making it accessible for businesses looking to quickly set up a loyalty program to boost sales and average order value.

FAQs for Best Shopify Rewards Apps

FAQs for Best Shopify Rewards Apps

Are there different types of rewards, and how flexible are they?

Rewards can include discounts, free products, exclusive content, and more. The flexibility of rewards varies by app, so choose one that offers incentives that appeal to your customers.

Can I encourage customer referrals and engagement through these apps?

Yes, rewards apps often include features for encouraging referrals and customer engagement, such as bonus points for referrals or social media sharing.

Do these apps integrate with my existing platforms, like email marketing and CRM tools?

Many rewards apps integrate with other platforms, making it easier to manage your loyalty program and enhance customer engagement through email marketing and CRM systems.

Can customers access their loyalty program information on mobile devices?

Some rewards apps offer mobile-friendly interfaces, allowing customers to track their points, rewards, and engagement on their smartphones or tablets.

How do I assess the performance of my loyalty program?

Look for rewards apps with analytics and reporting features that provide insights into your program’s performance and customer behavior.

What security measures and compliance should I consider when implementing a rewards program?

Ensure the app adheres to data security and privacy regulations, primarily if it collects and handles customer data. Data security and privacy are essential for maintaining customer trust and compliance with relevant laws.


As you start on your journey to choose the perfect rewards app, remember to consider your specific goals, budget, and the flexibility of the rewards you can offer. With the right app by your side, you can look forward to increased customer loyalty, higher customer lifetime value, and a thriving e-commerce business.

So, start building a loyal customer base today, and watch your business flourish with the help of Shopify rewards apps.

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